IEHA Spring Virtual Conference Registration is Open!
March 18, 20, 25, and 27 from 1:00-4:00 pm
Membership benefits:
- Educational opportunities through association sponsored conferences.
- Continuing education units (CEU) towards licensing requirements by conference attendance.
- Networking opportunities with other professionals in regulatory agencies and industry.
- IEHA quarterly newsletter, highlighting the most recent and relevant environmental health, professional, and organizational news.
- Training stipends that are awarded annually to candidates actively pursuing a degree in environmental health academic programs.
- Awards by peers for excellence or special recognition in the field of environmental health.
- Access to employment opportunities.
- Access to the IEHA Special Members Only Forum section of the web site.
The Illinois Environmental Health Association will work to advance the Environmental Health Profession and promote sound environmental health practices throughout the State of Illinois.
IEHA maintains a permanent business office which is open
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, excluding holidays.
Please contact us should you have any questions about membership, conference registration, licensing, awards, or
require any further assistance.
Office Manager: Heather Anderson Address: Illinois Environmental Health Association P.O. Box 164, Wauconda, IL 60084 Phone: 847-886-7008 Email: [email protected]